Bobath’s therapy for babies

There has past more than 50 years, when the world got to know about the method of babies gymnastics, which is created by Bobath spouse, who were physiotherapist and neurophysiologist by the specialization. This method is lenient and based on neurophysiologic fundamentals – encouraged those movements of a child, which in the appropriate age are by nature. Bobath`s method can use to develop qualitative movements for babies, also for children with tone changes.


Gymnastics for babies are useful because he/she needs to learn to feel his/hers body, to balance muscles tone, to distract body’s asymmetry and to learn various movements. It is proven, that children, who has done gymnastics in the first year of his/hers life, feels more certain, orient better in room and feels the joy of movement. There have been cases, when gymnastics in remedial intents is needful, if a child has muscles misbalance, neurological problems, if he/she has suffered from small famine of oxygen at the time of pregnancy or at the time of accouchement, or in first few month of life has lifted, carried, dressed inappropriately.


Gymnastics at the physiotherapist is good for each and every child’s development. Parents cannot perfectly realize all those exercises with baby, because it needs appropriate professional knowledge and acquirements, though physiotherapist can show, what you can do at home every day, so that baby can better acquire some particular  movement.


Our physiotherapists:

Gunta Veilande

Solvita Ķerve

Jeļena Kolmakova

Anna Posikaļuka

Viktorija Radzeviča



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