Pasaules Ārstu alianses dibinātājas Dr. De Klerkas (De Klerk) uzruna
Fitoterapeita Artūra Tereško un homeopāta Edgara Medņa padomi, ja ir augsta temperatūra
- Aromterapija tās efektivitāte un profilakse vīrusu periodā, Inga Muška
- The Shamans Tools for Finding Inner Peace
- Johns Hopkins researchers find yoga can improve arthritis
- Is Glyphosate Responsible for your Health Problems?
- Roundup, An Herbicide, Could Be Linked To Parkinson’s, Cancer And Other Health Issues, Study Shows
- “Сбивание” температуры при гриппе оказалось фактором роста эпидемии
- Harmful ingredients in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
- How your brain sees your body: Meet the cortical homunculus
- Orālajai kontracepcijai ir blakusefekti
- Mercury Fillings, Root Canals, Cavitations – What You Need to Know
Jautājumi / Atbildes