Āgenskalna Clinic is one of the first medical clinics in Latvia, whose activity is based on health prevention and understanding of health. Our goal is to educate our clients how to keep their health stable and if has happened to catch something – cure without harming the body.

We offer our customers individual consulting as well as for the body and the spirit.

As the famous inventor Thomas A.Edison once said “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the Cause and prevention of disease.”

You are welcome to visit us!



Edgars Mednis
pediatrician homeopath
Head of Āgenskalna klīnika

  • Due to epidemiological situation in a country Dr. Mednis organizes patient schedule making half an hour breaks between patients for room maintenance and disinfection to avoid cross contamination between patients. You are safe in our clinic!!!!
  • Understanding tough situation in a country Dr. Mednis offers home visits in Riga and nearby cities as well as SKYPE consultations - both pediatric and homeopathic.
  • We are working as usual. Nothing is changed for us despite of overall panic. You are safe in our clinic!!!!!
  • Concerning wide discussion about Coronavirus COVID-19 spread in a world we would like to offer American medical doctor's Amy Savagian MD advice what it is and what to do:
  • COVID-19 Mortality, Risk Factors & Prevention Like most American's COVID-19 has my attention.  I am mainly looking to the WHO and CDC for my information.  Sadly, I feel like many of our news outlets are more interested in grabbing views than presenting balanced information.
  • What we know for sure, based on the Chinese data posted on the CDC website as of 3/11/20. 1. For those under 50, the mortality rate is very low 0.2-0.4% . 2. Across all ages (including 80 year olds) those people with no chronic illnesses also had a low mortality rate of 0.9%. 3. People over 80 years old had the highest death rate at 14.8%. 4. Of confirmed COVID-19 patients in China as of Feb 11, 2020, only 2.1% were aged <20 years, and no deaths were reported among those <10 years of age. 5. An overall mortality rate of 2.3% has been reported among confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China. However, this death rate is likely over-estimated as the majority of all reported cases were among hospitalized patients. (That means the denominator - the total number of cases- likely did not include people that had mild symptoms and did not get tested). Taken together, this means we need to be extremely protective of our elders and those with chronic conditions, but the average American does not need to panic.
  • Signs & Symptoms: According to the CDC, frequent signs and symptoms of patients admitted to the hospital include fever (77–98%), cough (46%–82%), myalgia or fatigue (11–52%), and shortness of breath (3-31%) at illness onset. The incubation period may range from 2-14 days.Transmission/Viral Spread: Thought to be droplet.  This means that the virus sits on tiny water drops that are expelled with a cough or sneeze. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. It is not thought to be airborne or aerosolized at this time. People that most need masks are those who are sick and health care workers.  Those who are healthy do not need to wear masks unless they are caring for someone who is sick.
  • What we can all do. 1. Wash hands often and with soap (for 20 seconds- you can sing twinkle twinkle little star and this is about 20 seconds) or use hand-santizer with 60% alcohol. 2. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. 3. If COVID-19 is spreading in your community keep at least 6 feet between you and others. 4. Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. 5. For those that want to boost their immune response to RNA viruses like influenza and corona viruses, there is a paper by Mark McCarty and James DiNicolantanio that outlines mechanistically how the following nutraceuticals taken daily as prevention may be beneficial. Selenium 50-100mg Zinc 30-50mg Elderberry 600-1500mg Lipoic Acid 1200-1800mg Glucosamine 3000mg Spirulina 15g Yeast beta glutamates 250-500mg Though, as always speak to your doctor before starting any supplement regimen.
  • Going to the doctor's office office. If you have a mild upper respiratory infection you should stay at home.  If you need to be seen with an upper respiratory infection, please call ahead and let us know so that we can quickly get you into a room and take appropriate preventative actions without exposing other patients.I hope this has been helpful,AmyPlease have link to her web page: https://www.amysavagianmd.com/
  • For the first time in Latvia from 24th till 26th of May a three day seminar and a Sweatlodge ceremony lead by a shaman from Greenland will take place in "Everti", Bārbeles parish, Vecumnieki region, LV-3905, GPS coordinates 56.423017, 24.606843!Angaangaq about the Sweat Lodge Ceremony:„All of mankind is represented in the Sweat Lodge. You also belong in this circle. You are not alone. You are not alone in the Sweat Lodge. The whole universe is inside the Sweat Lodge. We remember not only the people in our lives but also the seasons: spring in the east, summer in the south, fall in the west and winter in the north. You too have seasons in your life: your spring, your summer, your fall and your winter. You speak of the seasons in your life and everyone will listen. You have your time of growing, your time of blossoming, your time of harvest and your time or rest. You speak about all this in the Sweat Lodge. You do not speak to the others. And the others will not comment on what you say. They will honor you in silence. They are quiet while you speak to your Creator. The Old Ones say: “The Creator is so big, he can take anything you and I say to him - anything.” You speak to your Creator in the presence of the others. You do not see the others but you feel them. They do not see you when you blush. They do not see your tears when you cry. But they feel your sorrow. They feel your shame. You can speak freely for you are alone and yet held in respect and honor. You can be in silence for you are alone and yet held in respect and honor. The Sweat Lodge is an intimate place – a place for an intimate conversation with the Creator, a place for contemplation and a place of silence. The Sweat Lodge is also a place of laughter and being silly. There in the dark you tell each other silly stories of life and you laugh and laugh and cry and laugh. Then comes the prayer itself. The prayer is between you and the Creator, the Man-Who-Made-Us, not between you and me. That is the essence of the ceremony, that you and I we learn to speak the language of the Creator. When I think about these teachings of the Sweat Lodge I say: “Wow, how did the Old Ones know?” I think they simply felt the beauty. That beauty is the expression of their wisdom. You too, can feel it.“Costs: till 24th of April - 490,- EUR, from 25th of April - 520,- EUR. When applying for the seminar, an unreturnable deposit of 100,- EUR must be paid. The costs include: 3 day seminar, sweatlodge ceremony, accomodation, vegetarian meals.
  • As of 5 January 2015 Āgenskalna klīnika will be located at its new address at Vienības gatve 51!
  • On 21 march at 10:00 Introductory lecture ‘Transformations’ for the series of seminars by Aleksejs Burdeiko.
We offer you to buy the "Agenskalna Clinic" gift card. Make your family and loved ones happy and take care of they health in new year!

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